The multi-vendor support and services model can have a multiplying effect on existing security issues .
vendors and service providers to support and manage these mission-critical systems ,” said David Rowe , EVP , Global Transformation and Chief Product Officer . “ The data illustrates that this system simply isn ’ t working for the enterprise customer . Without a concerted effort across the providers , it places greater responsibility on IT leaders to coordinate and manage the various systems and vendors . Today , there ’ s a better alternative : consolidating support and services into a single strategic partner that prioritises business success and works closely to help plan and execute a Digital Transformation roadmap that fits the company ’ s goals .”
CIOs and CTOs say multi-vendor support and services model lacks agility and accountability
Key findings include :
• When asked to assess the support and services they receive for their Enterprise Resource Planning ( ERP ) systems , databases and related technology , 72 % of CIOs and CTOs say the vendor-based model is inadequate , citing a lack of accountability ( 62 %) and lack of expertise ( 46 %) as top challenges .
• With challenges of managing multiple support and service providers , respondents cited the different process per vendor ( 36 %), the high cost of several vendor contracts ( 35 %) and too much effort selecting and managing vendors ( 35 %) as the greatest pain points .
• 61 % of respondents want to consolidate support and managed services into a single provider .
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