Regardless of the sector or industry you operate in , data is your primary currency .
Michael Bachman , Head of Architecture and AI Strategy , Boomi Technology Office
Cultivating an AI-ready mindset : Key pillars for enterprise success
Michael Bachman , Head of Architecture and AI Strategy , Boomi Technology Office , defines what AI-readiness means and how organisations can foster a culture of AI-readiness .
As technology continues to evolve , enterprises recognise that embracing Artificial Intelligence ( AI ) goes further than simply implementing new tools – it ’ s a fundamental shift in mindset . This shift was underscored in a recent workshop I attended , where industry leaders discussed the hallmarks of an AI-ready organisation .
But before we explore a selection of strategies for achieving AI-readiness , we need to define what AIreadiness actually means . workflow grinds to an abrupt halt . AI has emerged as one of the most sophisticated data extraction tools available and the stage at which an organisation currently sits with its AI-readiness will heavily influence its status in the future .
Rather than simply having access to a Large Language Model like ChatGPT , AI-readiness refers to an organisation ’ s access to the people , processes and platforms needed to seamlessly incorporate AI into the nucleus of corporate operations .
AI-readiness defined
Regardless of the sector or industry you operate in , data is your primary currency . Without it , every
People : In terms of people , skilled personnel – from data scientists to Machine Learning experts – is essential for harnessing AI insights and breeding a culture for AI adoption based on curiosity , openness
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