Intelligent CIO Europe Issue 59 | Page 84


The markets never sleep , so why should security

As cyberthreats continue to increase globally , there is a need for increased visibility across industries . Mike O ’ Sullivan , CTO at INFINOX tells Intelligent CIO ’ s Mrigaya Dham how its partnership with Cloudflare has resulted in enhanced visibility and a more secure defence posture .

aAs CTO , can you outline your approach and how this enables you to meet the business goals of your organisation ?

Our strategic approach is always a balancing act between security on one hand with usability and agility on the other . Often , the most secure controls are not the most efficient in terms of allowing businesses to scale and deliver in an agile way . As CTO , I have to continually coach the business on finding a balance that works for everyone in harmony with the strategic and commercial objectives .
Can you tell us how digitalisation demands have placed pressure on the company to scale and how you ’ ve managed this effectively ?
With our global footprint now spanning multiple global jurisdictions such as Asia , Latin America and Africa ; we require a scalable solution which can deliver excellent performance in a digitalised world . For an online trading provider , the true focus of digitalisation for us will always be how effectively we can distribute a price to an endcustomer ( a foreign exchange pair such as EURUSD for example ) and how we can protect our customer ’ s data while transacting and trading through us . In other words , digitalisation is about making a currency price as competitive as possible while protecting the other important global currency for our customers which is their data .
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