consuming tasks, but in doing so, it allows
people to re-focus on their core business
objectives and deliver results with true
value to the organisation. What’s more,
machines will always require input from
humans, meaning AI is beginning to drive
an evolution within the job market in which
new jobs are being created. The challenge
will be learning to work alongside machines;
eventually though, a workforce that
combines human and machine will become
the new norm in all industries.
Creating the right environment
These emerging technologies are now also
starting to be used to analyse employee
data and learn what motivates them to be
more productive, as well as what makes
them unhappy. In enabling organisations
to understand the reasons that are causing
staff to leave, the office environment can
be updated accordingly and as such, will
help organisations to retain staff. AI and
machine learning technology will therefore
soon be utilised to redesign and align
office environments with staff working
habits, making them a more enjoyable
place to be and allowing for more
productive working strategies.
Ultimately, we are seeing many industries
across the globe benefit greatly from
the advancements of such emerging
technologies. Staff will continue to focus their
attentions on core business objectives and
consequently produce greater impact for the
organisation. In turn, AI will be able to create
a more relaxed and productive environment
for staff to work to the best of their ability.