for careers in
to tackle skills
The skills gap is a recurrent issue for
cybersecurity professionals and finding
ways to overcome it is challenging.
Intelligent CIO Europe hears from Marie
Hattar, CMO for Keysight, who tells us
how we can take steps to try and combat
the cybersecurity skills shortage.
t’s official: 2017 was the worst year ever for cyberattacks
globally according to the Online Trust Alliance. The number
of cyber incidents, ranging from the massive WannaCry and
NotPetya ransomware attacks, to huge data breaches at Equifax and
Uber, doubled compared with 2016. 2018 hasn’t been quite as bad,
but there have still been many high-profile damaging breaches, such
as those which affected Facebook and British Airways. It’s no surprise
that the World Economic Forum’s Global Risks Report 2018 rated the
potential damage from cyberattacks as the third-largest risk facing
societies and the global economy today, behind extreme weather
events and natural disasters.
One of the main reasons why cyberattacks are having such an
impact is resourcing. Put simply, many organisations’ security
teams are overstretched and getting overwhelmed because they