Intelligent CIO Europe Issue13 | Page 65

CASE STUDY paper usage and more importantly, increased job satisfaction for hardworking admin staff – all of which makes for a happier workforce. “Our Trust has a philosophy that time matters. Using Thoughtonomy’s intelligent automation platform has released time for our medical secretaries, freeing them up from simple and time-consuming tasks. This gives them more time to speak with patients on the phone or solve problems for doctors, nurses and other team members. All of this means our staff have more time to make a difference, which improves our patients’ care and experience. This is how we make time matter,” said Darren Atkins, Deputy Director of ICT, ESNEFT. The time saved for the Trust, in combination with other materials needed for the previous process, means that the overall saving for the project is estimated to be £220, 000 a year. Additionally, the process now means that the Trust can reduce paper and be a role model for the NHS’ digitisation and automation efforts. The team at ESNEFT already have ambitious plans beyond the transformation of the Neurology department processes and are planning to roll its Virtual Workforce out to other clinical specialties and departments. The Thoughtonomy Virtual Workforce is becoming an integral part of transformation plans and is consistently referenced as a way to make ‘time matter’ within clinical and corporate areas of the Trust. n INTELLIGENTCIO 65