Intelligent CIO Europe Issue13 | Page 28

INFOGRAPHIC INFOGRAPHIC Research unveils corporate losses associated with IoT security A study from DigiCert, Inc., a leading provider of TLS/SSL, PKI and IoT security solutions, reveals that enterprises have begun sustaining significant monetary losses stemming from the lack of good practices as they move forward with incorporating the Internet of Things (IoT) into their business models. In fact, among companies surveyed that are struggling the most with IoT security, 25% reported IoT security-related losses of nearly £257,333 in the last two years. These findings come amid a ramping up of IoT focus within the typical organisation. A total of 71% of respondents indicated that IoT is extremely important to them currently, while 91% said they anticipate IoT to be extremely important to their respective organisations within two years. The survey was conducted by ReRez Research in September 2018, with 700 enterprise organisations in the US, UK, Germany, France and Japan from across critical infrastructure industries. Top concerns Security and privacy topped the list of concerns for IoT projects, with 82% of respondents stating they were somewhat to extremely concerned about security challenges. “Enterprises today fully grasp the reality that the Internet of Things is upon us and will continue to revolutionise the way we live, work and recreate,” said Mike Nelson, Vice President of IoT Security at DigiCert. “Securing IoT devices is still a top priority that many enterprises are struggling to manage, however, integrating security at the beginning and all the way through IoT implementations is vital to mitigating rising attacks which can be expected to continue. Due diligence when it comes to authentication, encryption and integrity of IoT devices and systems can help enterprises reliably and safely embrace IoT.” 28 INTELLIGENTCIO Top versus bottom performers To give visibility to the specific challenges that enterprises are encountering with IoT implementations, respondents were asked a series of questions using a wide variance of terminology. Using standard survey methodology, respondents’ answers were then scored and divided into three tiers: • Top tier: Enterprises experiencing fewer problems and demonstrating a degree of mastery mitigating specific aspects of IoT security • Middle tier: Enterprises scoring in the middle range in terms of their IoT security results • Bottom tier: Enterprises experiencing more problems that were much more likely to report difficulties mastering IoT security IoT security missteps Respondents were asked about IoT-related security incidents their organisations experienced within the past two years. The difference between the top and bottom tiers was unmistakable. Companies struggling the most with IoT implementation are much more likely to get hit with IoT-related security incidents. Every single bottom tier enterprise experienced an IoT-related security incident in that time span, versus just 23% of the top tier. The bottom tier was also more likely to report problems in these specific areas: • More than 12 times as likely to have experienced IoT-based Denial of Service attacks • More than 12 times as likely to have experienced unauthorised access to IoT devices • Nearly 16 times as likely to have experienced IoT-based data breaches • Six times as likely to have experienced IoT- based malware or ransomware attacks These security incidents were not trivial. There were detrimental costs associated with these IoT security-related incidents. The top five areas for costs incurred within the past two years were: