Intelligent CIO Europe Issue13 | Page 24

TRENDING by accurate and quantifiable metrics, resulting in a lack of actionable insight for the C-suite and board of directors. Digital Transformation has created a complex computing environment of cloud, DevOps, mobility and IoT, where everything is connected as part of the new, modern attack surface. This has created a massive gap in an organisation’s ability to truly understand its cyberexposure at any given time. The research – which surveyed 2,410 IT and infosec decision-makers in six countries – found less than one third (29%) of respondents reported having sufficient visibility into their attack surface (i.e. traditional IT, cloud, containers, IoT and operational technology) to effectively reduce their exposure to risk. To further complicate this lack of visibility, more than half of respondents (58%) said their security function lacks adequate staffing to scan for vulnerabilities in a timely manner, with only 35% scanning when it’s deemed necessary by an assessment of risks to sensitive data. Together, these data points reveal that the tools and approaches organisations are “ MORE THAN HALF OF RESPONDENTS (58%) SAID THEIR SECURITY FUNCTION LACKS ADEQUATE STAFFING TO SCAN FOR VULNERABILITIES IN A TIMELY MANNER. 24 INTELLIGENTCIO