Intelligent CIO Europe Issue13 | Page 15

NEWS Air France creates first of its kind AR-based event experience A ir France is engaging event participants with the new mobile application, ‘Air France AR world’, letting them discover a new digital and interactive layer to their physical worlds. The app digitally displays a map of the world and visualises key destinations with AR technology. The experience is interactive, informative, engaging and users can also participate in an integrated quiz with the chance to win long haul flights. examples of what they can offer our customers. AR combined with events are the optimal tools for us making this possible,” said Maria Hagelberg, Marketing Manager Air France and KLM North Europe. ‘Air France AR world’ has been developed by the global agency network Havas Worldwide’s subsidiary Bizkit Havas in cooperation with Vobling, an industry leading AR and VR agency and the enterprise arm of the Bublar Group. The ‘Air France AR world’ app is available both via the App Store and Google Play. The application is based on a combination of image target and VIO-based technology. The experience has been implemented at events in Gothenburg, Oslo and in Bergen. More events will take place during Spring 2019. Thanks to this app and events, Air France advances its ability to promote key destinations – highlighting attractions and things to do that travellers could otherwise miss out on. “We really wanted to showcase our broad portfolio of destinations and inspirational ///////////////// Business school to launch global augmented intelligence laboratory T he aim of SKEMA Business School, which is devoting an initial budget of over €3 million to this project, is to make the laboratory a cutting-edge Augmented Reality centre within the next five years. The laboratory will develop data science and Artificial Intelligence algorithms and will specialise in predictive modelling devoted to the new issues being faced by companies and modern society. It will act as a catalyst for research and the Digital Transformation of teaching on all SKEMA campuses, via a state-of-the-art platform. Other private sources of financing and a major technological partner are soon expected to join SKEMA AI Global Lab and make it a research laboratory of global calibre. the two-year objective of accompanying companies in all the locations in which SKEMA is present: China, the USA, Brazil and France. Right from the beginning, the SKEMA AI Global Lab will set up branches in two other innovation hubs in which SKEMA operates: Paris and Sophia Antipolis, in France. The SKEMA AI Global Lab will be based in Raleigh, North Carolina, at the heart of the American research ‘triangle’, one of the largest innovation hubs in the United States. A Professor of Data Science for International Business and the creator of a technological platform dedicated to researching data science and Artificial Intelligence, Professor Thierry Warin, is to join SKEMA in January 2019 and will be founding and leading the laboratory. The DNA of the laboratory is to be an ‘undisciplined lab’, in that it will genuinely be multidisciplinary, fundamentally exploratory and often anti-conformist. The creation of the SKEMA global Augmented Intelligence lab is concomitant with the hiring of six researchers, who will be plugging their research work in Professor Warin’s platform, with INTELLIGENTCIO 15