Intelligent CIO Europe Issue 79 | Page 7


Hello and welcome to the latest edition of Intelligent CIO for Europe . This month ’ s cover story features Dr Patrick Lechner , Head of Process Mining Center of Excellence at BMW Group , sharing how another Munich-based industry leader – Celonis – is helping to drive efficiency through process optimisation making supply chains more resilient . The two have enhanced their collaboration in the development and application of Process Mining and Process Intelligence .

“ The aim is to make Process Mining available to all the group ’ s employees , giving them the ability to analyse all company processes relevant to them and to identify and eliminate anything that causes inefficiency ,” said Lechner . “ Our central CoE enables BMW Group to drive Process Mining strategically and globally . The CoE pools the Process Mining expertise within the company , has evaluated new applications for Process Mining in recent years , developed use cases together with wider departments . leverage the rapid pace of technological change while supporting business leaders in managing any associated stresses .
We hear from Kerry Small , Chief Operating Officer at BT ; Keiron Holyome , VP of UKI & Emerging Markets at BlackBerry ; and Richard Meeus , Director of Security Technology and Strategy EMEA at Akamai .
This month ’ s Get To Know features Federico Larsen , CIO at Copado . Spotlighting an emerging industry trend of the year , he says : “ I think it ’ s clearly Generative AI . Its launch and presence has grown so quickly and it is applicable beyond technology , to so many other industries . The reason behind this is perhaps more economic than technological : tougher market conditions demand increased efficiencies and the automation and opportunities that AI offers are incredibly attractive in this regard .”
Read the full article by heading to p73 .
“ It also acts as an internal consultant , as well as the central interface for close collaboration with the experts and developers at Celonis .”
Don ’ t forget you can read daily news updates on our website . I ’ d like to wish you a good month ahead and please enjoy the read !
Get further insight into this collaboration by turning to page 54 .
In this month ’ s Editor ’ s Question on pages 30 – 33 , we ask industry experts how organisations should
Mark Bowen Editorial Director
www . intelligentcio . com INTELLIGENTCIO EUROPE 7