Intelligent CIO Europe Issue 79 | Page 31


We are currently experiencing a once-in-ageneration digital revolution , and there are mounting pressures on business leaders to make the right call about the emerging technologies they invest in . BT research has shown the majority of top executives and business owners say they suffer from tech-related stress that ’ s severe enough to disrupt their sleep .

These anxieties must be addressed , as decision paralysis could hamper business growth dramatically . BT data shows nearly two-thirds ( 62 %) of business owners recognise how critical digital and tech transformation is to the survival of their company , yet half of UK ’ s business leaders state they wish they had more support navigating these changes .
To mitigate the stress brought on by Digital Transformation , businesses need trusted partners to help them identify the right solutions for their needs . At BT , we ’ re committed to providing unmatched reliability , dedicated support and robust network security for businesses of all sizes . Beyond this , business customers can also access free resources such as mentoring , webinars , Netwalks and live events on a wide range of topics , from communication skills to understanding the power of AI or the importance of cybersecurity .
While change can be stressful , it is crucial to implement robust support systems that address not just tech concerns but other well-being concerns more broadly . Mindfulness and meditation can have a positive impact on re-establishing work-life balance while also making both decision-makers and employees feel more balanced and centred throughout the workday .
While change can be stressful , it is crucial to implement robust support systems that address not just tech concerns but other wellbeing concerns more broadly .
To shine a light on the importance of workplace wellbeing , we recently partnered with mindfulness expert , Izzy Judd , and ex-Dragon , Sarah Willingham , to create The Business Reboot , a series of guided meditations that help with tech anxiety and beyond . These meditations range from breathing exercises to walking meditations or body scans and are easy to tune in on the go or from a quiet spot in the office . We hope these meditations help arm business leaders with the mental tools to take on worries around tech transformation head-on .
www . intelligentcio . com INTELLIGENTCIO EUROPE 31