Intelligent CIO Europe Issue 79 | Page 22

TRENDING of technologies like IoT and AI to support their sustainability goals , alongside making their businesses more resilient and efficient .
Businesses urged to secure their rapidly expanding attack surface are all too frequently leaving a gaping hole in their network infrastructure for criminals to exploit .
5G to boost UK ’ s position as a leading tech nation , but ongoing skills crisis is holding firms back
The push to adopt new technology , such as IoT sensors , is opening firms up to increased risk , as IT teams are losing track of what is operating on their networks . For instance , 77 % of firms are both unsure of how
Our data shows security risks , concerns over complexity and a lack of skills remain key concerns for organisations keen to explore this technology more acutely .
many IoT devices are currently connected to their networks , and how many could be added in the future . Considering the fact that nearly half ( 45 %) of businesses surveyed experienced a network security attack in the last 12 months , of which 26 % were as a result of a compromised IoT device , it is clear that organisations
In the UK specifically , the survey found 5G was the technology cited most vital to the UK maintaining its position as a leading tech powerhouse , named by nearly half ( 47 %) of those surveyed . This was ahead of other leading technologies , such as the metaverse ( 32 %), robotics and automation ( 30 %), 3D printing ( 29 %) and even AI ( 8 %).
However , firms are being held back from deploying their own cellular networks , with 32 % citing a lack of digital skills and 25 % believing the complexity of change was a key hurdle for their organisation . Likewise , 68 % of firms believe that despite the UK Wireless Infrastructure Strategy , announced by the Government last year , overall investment in wireless connectivity is still too low , hindering further progress . In fact , 59 % believe poor connectivity is preventing students from developing the skills they need to succeed in a modern world , and 62 % believe it has a negative effect on public transport .
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