Intelligent CIO Europe Issue 79 | Page 14


EFRAG selects Datamaran for real-time analysis of the global ESG Landscape

Marjella Lecourt-Alma , CEO and Co-founder of Datamaran , said : “ We are excited to work with EFRAG and support them as they build the first-ever mandatory sustainability reporting standards .”
Under this new agreement , EFRAG ’ s team will utilise the Datamaran platform for on-going monitoring and analysis of corporate disclosures , to keep up-to-date with global developments in standards and regulations , as well as stay on top of ESG-related news from around the world .
The platform will give the team valuable data-backed insights and summaries powered by Generative AI to inform their work and achieve their mission of serving the public interest in Europe in financial and sustainability reporting .

The European Financial Reporting Advisory Group ( EFRAG ), Europe ’ s advisory body on financial and sustainability reporting , has chosen Datamaran , a market leader in Smart ESG ( Environmental , Social and Governance ) software , as its solution for ESG governance and workflow management to support its research informing the development of the European Sustainability Reporting Standards ( ESRS ).

The Datamaran platform provides unparalleled evidence-backed insights into the global ESG landscape by aggregating and summarising data from thousands of sources , including regulators , policymakers , corporate reports and news outlets on 100 ESG topics that break down into over 400 individual factors . With this increased level of visibility , the team at EFRAG will have an unhindered view of the ESG landscape .

Zilch selects AWS to accelerate AI innovation

Zilch , the world ’ s first ad-subsidised payments network

( ASPN ), has extended its collaboration with cloud provider Amazon Web Services ( AWS ) to accelerate the rollout of AI innovation across the Zilch proposition .
Zilch will continue to use AWS AI and ML services to transform how the company serves its customers and works with merchants in the future . This includes services such as Amazon SageMaker , a fully managed service for building , training and deploying ML models at scale , and Amazon Bedrock , a fully managed service that makes high-performing foundation models ( FMs ) from leading AI startups and Amazon available through a single application programming interface ( API ), to make quicker and more precise decisions based on patterns and data modelling .
Zilch ’ s use of AWS is already shortening development times , allowing the company to add almost twice the amount of data into its models whilst halving the build time .
With its AI engine trained on years of lending data to its almost four million customers , Zilch now uses AI to set personalised affordability limits for each customer more accurately . Zilch also uses AI for fraud detection and to understand buyer intent , with various AI models already in use for use cases like tracking popular retailers and consumer demand .
Zilch is well positioned to leverage AWS ’ s ML and AI services due to the large volume of high-quality data held within its data lake , which is built on AWS .
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