Intelligent CIO Europe Issue 79 | Page 10


CGI and Nokia to enable enterprises to drive business agility with 5G private networks

CGI and Nokia have signed an agreement that deepens their strategic partnership , combining leading-edge 5G private wireless networking technology with CGI business services and solutions .

This will enable the accelerated delivery and efficient operation of industry leading digital solutions for connected , real-time , data-driven business operations .
“ Nokia one platform for industrial digitalisation , comprised of private wireless Nokia Digital Automation Cloud ( DAC ), Nokia Modular Private Wireless ( MPW ), Industrial devices , MX Industrial Edge ( MXIE ) computing , and an ecosystem of neutral industrial applications , helps industries to pave their way to Industry 4.0 ,” said David de Lancelloti , Vice President of Enterprise Campus Edge Business .
“ The importance of adequate technology in supporting operation and business infrastructure cannot be understated . We are excited to partner with CGI and look forward to collaborating with them as they continue to enable future digitalisation of enterprises .”
“ Industry 4.0 requires organisations to deploy sensor rich ecosystems underpinning the business solutions . Our partnership with Nokia delivers the connectivity services to enable solutions which solve these business challenges ,” said Ian Dunbar , Senior Vice-President , Consulting Services , Telecoms and Media for CGI in the UK .
“ This partnership brings the combined capabilities of our organisations together to drive cost efficiency into our clients ’ operations ,” said Tara McGeehan , President for CGI in the UK and Australia . “ It will enhance our ability to bring world-class business solutions to our clients which deliver them a competitive edge in the market today .”

Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change Foundation chooses Lenovo supercomputer to meet global warming challenges

‘ Cassandra ’, Lenovo ’ s new HPC system that will be installed in Lecce , is composed of 180 SD650 V3 nodes with two Intel Xeon Max 9480 CPUs , the first x86 processor with high-bandwidth memory ( HBM ), and can reach a processing power of 1.2 PetaFlops peak , with an increase of 100 % compared to the solution currently in operation at CMCC .
Cassandra also ensures better energy efficiency , allowing electricity consumption for system cooling to be kept 15 % lower than similar air-cooled solutions , with the use of Lenovo Neptune Direct Water- Cooling technology that is able to capture up to 98 % of the heat produced by the supercomputer .

The Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change ( CMCC ) in

Lecce , Italy , has renewed its collaboration with Lenovo for the installation of a powerful new HPC ( High Performance Computing ) system that will support climate change research by providing increased processing capabilities and optimising energy use for the operation of the high-capacity computing infrastructure .
Liquidcooling saves the energy used for the fans , and thanks to the increased efficiency , the temperature of the CPUs does not reach critical values , avoiding the reduction of the maximum frequency of the cores .
In addition , CMCC plans to integrate the system with a dedicated AI workload solution based on two nodes with 8 Nvidia H100 GPUs each . The installation of this system is planned for the second half of the year .
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