Intelligent CIO Europe Issue 77 | Page 36


‘‘ business considerations throughout the entire product lifecycle , from concept creation to deployment . Moreover , in accordance with NIS2 and CRA requirements , establish processes for the prompt reporting of vulnerabilities and incidents . 3 . Foster a culture of compliance : Employee education and awareness is key to ensure each member of the organisation upholds their responsibility in keeping compliant . It is also important to document compliance activities , encompassing policies , procedures and audit reports .

4 . Leverage cybersecurity technology : Incorporate sophisticated cybersecurity technologies that are in line with regulatory obligations to bolster the security posture of the organisation . It is crucial to engage with legal counsel and compliance consultants to support you in navigating complex regulatory terminology and validate your compliance .
5 . Continuous monitoring and improvement : Conduct internal and external audits to identify areas for improvement and assess the efficacy of the compliance efforts . Remain informed of regulatory framework modifications and adjust compliance programs as necessary .
6 . Collaborate and share information : Engage in collaborative associations such as Information Sharing and Analysis Centres ( ISACs ) to facilitate the exchange of threat intelligence and best practices . Collaborate with industry associations and government agencies to bolster compliance initiatives and get valuable perspectives on emergent regulatory developments .
7 . Prepare for compliance verifications : Prepare products subject to the CRA for conformity assessments by external bodies , particularly ‘ critical ’ and ‘ important ’ products that contain digital components .
How does Fortinet assist critical infrastructure entities in mitigating cybersecurity risks and fortifying their overall security framework ? surface . Furthermore , to support organisations in developing cyber-resilience and facilitate the detection , containment and eradication of cybersecurity threats , we have incorporated FortiGuard Labs into our portfolio of technologies .
How will future challenges and advancements in technology shape the strategies employed by critical infrastructure organisations to secure their assets ?
Critical infrastructure security is approaching a pivotal moment , characterised by technological advancements and emergent challenges that will force organisations to re-evaluate the approaches they take in safeguarding their assets . The current environment is shaped by several factors , such as the widespread adoption of Internet of Things ( IoT ) devices , the emergence of sustainable energy vehicles , the incorporation of renewable energy sources and the constant threat of cyberattacks .
In the digital age , cyberattacks have become more advanced , posing substantial threats to personal information and vital infrastructure . They have also grown more aggressive over the past decade , with cyberwarfare scenarios growing more realistic .
In the energy and water industries , smart metering systems and the wider digital landscape create specific cybersecurity obstacles . To mitigate these risks , utilities providers need to develop adaptable strategies that leverage cutting-edge technology and promote cross-sector innovation and collaboration .
Organisations in any sector , but especially in critical infrastructure , need to find effective strategies to reduce innovation erosion while becoming more agile in technology and cybersecurity . Perhaps , cybersecurity needs will drive the next generation of change in innovation , collaboration and investment . p
We engage in extensive collaboration with critical infrastructure organisations worldwide at Fortinet . The threat intelligence activities that we perform with the FortiGuard Labs are of the utmost importance . The proliferation and development of cyberthreats have generated a need for innovative solutions and dependable threat intelligence .
By analysing data from millions of global network sensors and Artificial Intelligence , FortiGuard Labs ensures that critical infrastructures are prepared for imminent threats by monitoring the global attack
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