Kent Breaux , Senior Vice President , EMEA , Proofpoint
On the lighter side of things , we ask the industry experts what makes them tick . . . .
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Kent Breaux , Senior Vice President , EMEA , Proofpoint
wWhat would you describe as your most memorable achievement ?
To this day , my most memorable achievement has to be walking across the stage at my college graduation . That seems pretty small considering I am now in an industry with the best and brightest . However , I was one of the first in my family to achieve a degree . Plus , at that time , the only students that were called to the stage were those that graduated with honours . The point of pride wasn ’ t the honours , but that my family was able to see me make that walk .
What first made you think of a career in technology ?
What style of management philosophy do you employ with your current position ?
Integrity is key . Whether it ’ s communicating with customers or my team , I pride myself on being open and honest and truly believing in what I am putting on the table .
I am a firm believer in an open-door , transparent leadership style , focused on helping employees to achieve their personal goals and figuring out what makes them tick . It ’ s all about making your team
If I ’ m honest – it was a total accident . Or , as I tell folks who are looking for career advice , ‘ take any opportunity to say yes to the unknown ’.
I was on course to go to law school , when at a dinner party , I met someone who offered me a job manning a tech support line at odd hours that they were struggling to hire for . I took the job with no knowledge , experience , or idea that it would be a great career choice in the long run . In the end , it was the best decision I ever made and formed my belief that everyone should take the chances they are given .
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