Intelligent CIO Europe Issue 76 | Page 7


Hello and welcome to the latest edition of Intelligent CIO for Europe . This month ’ s cover story features Ketan Patel , Group Chief Information Officer at facilities management company OCS .

He tells us how technology plays a pivotal role making people and places the best they can be . He dives into how data drives insights into effective operations telling us : “ The implementation of technology which can drive a competitive advantage using data is tomorrow ’ s gold .
“ Data drives insights on technology and operations and highlights the most efficient and sustainable developments in technology and how we use them to manage colleagues , execute tasks and make sure the right people with the right skills are doing the right jobs . There is proven data behind these decisions .”
You can delve deeper into his insights by turning to page 54 .
This month ’ s Get to Know features Kent Breaux , Senior Vice President , EMEA , Proofpoint .
Talking about his management philosophy , he says : “ Integrity is key . Whether it ’ s communicating with customers or my team , I pride myself on being open and honest and truly believing in what I am putting on the table .
“ I am a firm believer in an open-door , transparent leadership style , focused on helping employees to achieve their personal goals and figuring out what makes them tick . It ’ s all about making your team successful and satisfied , which in turn makes the business successful . I strive to ensure my team feel empowered to progress and get to where they want to .”
You can read the full article by turning to p73 .
Don ’ t forget you can read daily news updates on our website . I ’ d like to wish you a good month ahead and please enjoy the read !
In this month ’ s Editor ’ s Question on pages 30 – 33 , we feature the second-part of our Editor ’ s Question asking industry experts why sustainability has become a key part of the CIOs role .
We hear from Paul Mellon , Operations Director , Stellium Datacenters ; Mark Evans , CIO , SMS ; and Dr Jens Hirsch , Chief Scientific Officer , BuildingMinds .
Mark Bowen Editorial Director
www . intelligentcio . com INTELLIGENTCIO EUROPE 7