Intelligent CIO Europe Issue 75 | Page 49

COUNTRY FOCUS : GERMANY platform stems from the simple fact that , according to research , 9 out of 10 cyberattacks on enterprises involve Active Directory .
Attackers target Active Directory mainly through misconfigurations or security vulnerabilities . Sophisticated ITDR solutions like those from Semperis provide continuous monitoring and an overview of the current security posture and if a compromise should occur , these solutions enable the organisation to undo malicious changes .
Unlike tracking tools that rely solely on security protocols and agents on domain controllers , Directory Services Protector monitors multiple data sources . Most importantly , the tool monitors the Active Directory replication strea – the only reliable way to capture every change , regardless of how attackers try to cover their tracks .
“ It is extremely time-consuming for network administrators to search for new threats or detect misconfigurations on their own . Directory Services Protector now relieves us of this concern ,” explains Schulz .
Operational resilience through rapid recovery
“ While there is no such thing as 100 % protection for IT systems , our job as network managers is primarily to make attacks as difficult as possible ,” Schulz points out .
• Easily set up a replica of the Active Directory production environment
• Automate the entire recovery process , to reduce downtime
• Prevent the reintroduction of malware , by restoring Active Directory to a known safe state
In addition , Active Directory Forest Recovery
automates the organisation of back-ups , keeping them up to date and reducing the amount of storage space required .
Striking a hopeful note with proactive identity-first security
The Semperis solutions ’ capabilities were the deciding factor in Yamaha ’ s purchasing decision .
If , despite all precautionary measures , an attacker manages to penetrate Active Directory , it is vital to get the infrastructure up and running again as quickly as possible . This is the purpose of the second product Yamaha implemented : Active Directory Forest Recovery .
It became clear to me that security is a never-ending process that requires proactive action .
In a worst-case scenario , a ransomware or wiper attack might be able to take down an organisation ’ s domain controllers , for example . In such cases , the restoration of the compromised AD forest using traditional , manual methods can take days or even weeks . Plus , companies still face the risk of malware reinfection via corrupted back-ups .
However , a second component was also an essential factor for Schulz .
“ Fast and competent support is also enormously important to us ,” he says .
“ The failure of Active Directory inevitably leads to a standstill in business activities ,” explains Schulz . “ Rapid recovery is therefore the most urgent task . We are able to avoid this stress with the use of Active Directory Forest Recovery .”
Schulz ’ s experience with Semperis has enabled him to strike a hopeful note regarding risk mitigation for Yamaha Music Europe . The company is currently planning to extend Semperis ’ support to its cloud resources .
This Semperis solution increases operational reliability through three basic functions .
“ It became clear to me that security is a never-ending process that requires proactive action ,” Schulz said . p
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