Intelligent CIO Europe Issue 75 | Page 22

• Working in silos preventing cross-team learning opportunities ( 35 %)
• Inability to keep up with fast moving , complex software landscape ( 34 %)
Having scalable , flexible , citizen-enabling IT platforms and the right expertise to drive maximum business value from them , is crucial to keep pace with the rapid evolution of advancements like cloud and AI . A third ( 33 %) of those surveyed believe they do have the right systems in place to serve business needs but don ’ t have the right skill sets within the organisation
This survey highlights the classic challenge many individuals and businesses face : they don ’ t have enough time to implement the very changes that will save them time .
Additional barriers to innovation were identified as :
• Inability to recruit and retain the right talent ( 30 %)
• Lack of access to the right technology platforms to speed up software delivery ( 30 %)
• Not enough adoption of automation to speed up tasks and free up time ( 27 %)
• Insufficient headcount to address growing demand ( 25 %)
When asked what would be top of their wishlist to help their team and organisation innovate more and better , the ability to recruit and retain the right talent in the coming year was number one ( 33 %). This was closely followed by having enough budget for effective training and upskilling ( 30 %). A quarter of respondents are seeking the right technology platforms to speed up software delivery ( 25 %), and the ability to measure the impact of innovation on business profitability , team satisfaction and performance ( 24 %).
Overcoming skills gaps with technology investment to maximise the potential of the platforms . In contrast , nearly half ( 46 %) of respondents state they need new systems to better serve the needs of their business .
Threats to innovation
When asked about the current barriers to innovation in their organisation , 36 % of IT managers pointed to slow adoption of the latest processes and efficient ways of working , while 35 % highlighted the lack of budget for effective training and upskilling .
Looking ahead to 2024 , respondents were asked where they plan to allocate their next set of IT investments to scale their business and focus on outcomes . The largest response ( 30 %) was on IT modernisation in order to embrace new technologies such as AI , cloud and containers .
Enterprise open-source software has a significant role to play in supporting this , with nearly half of respondents ( 47 %) agreeing that a top benefit for their business of using enterprise open-source is that it can
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