Intelligent CIO Europe Issue 74 | Page 9


Foundation relies on data to improve lives of vulnerable communities

La Caixa Foundation , one of the most prominent foundations in the world by volume of social investment , has chosen Informatica ’ s AIpowered Intelligent Data Management Cloud platform as one of the core components of its ‘ digital cloud transformation ’.

This strategic collaboration aims to propel La Caixa Foundation into a new era of efficiency and agility by instilling a ‘ data-centric ’ culture throughout the organisation .
After decades of growth , La Caixa Foundation decided to modernise its data management programme and transition to the cloud as part of its commitment to improving its non-profit projects through more efficient data analysis . Informatica ’ s AI-powered Intelligent Data Management Cloud platform will provide wider flexibility for adopting new technologies to support the foundation as it expands .
The move is not only about embracing modern technology but signifies a broader initiative to share data and information seamlessly with partners and co-operation agencies , ultimately contributing to better community experiences .
“ We have a long history as an organisation , which includes legacy systems and processes and a significant amount of data in various formats . We chose Informatica to help us form a new ,
modern AI-powered data culture and create an enterprise-wide data strategy – one which will allow us to integrate all data on one platform , and improve data quality , standardisation and governance ,” said Jordi Gener , Director of Government and Data Management at La Caixa Foundation .

IoT helps locals manage islands tourist hotspots

periods that have a knock-on impact on other businesses in the community such as shops and cafes .
Starting with the standing stones – with a view to expanding the technology to cover other popular areas and attractions – IoT sensors have been installed to better manage busy periods . The sensors collect information about the number of people attending the site at one time , allowing patterns to be identified . Data collected is then displayed via an app-based dashboard where the Calanais team can monitor numbers in real-time .

New Internet-connected visitor monitoring sensors are helping hospitality and tourism businesses on The Isle of Lewis to understand patterns in visitor numbers and predict busy periods , with a pilot system now installed at the Calanais Stones .

The technology has been developed by CENSIS – Scotland ’ s innovation centre for
Sensing , Imaging , and Internet of Things ( IoT ) technologies – in partnership with Highlands and Islands Enterprise area team on Lewis , the HIE Innovation team and the Outer Hebrides Cruise Forum .
Ahead of an anticipated growth in cruise tourism in 2024 , the team at Calanais has turned to technology to help monitor busy
Mark Davies , Project Manager of the Calanais 2025 project , said : “ We have an opportunity to better manage the peaks and troughs throughout the day . Visitors to the Islands bring fantastic opportunities for the local community and businesses , but it is important that we ensure they have the best possible experience while here and we have the infrastructure and capacity to make their visit memorable .”
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