Intelligent CIO Europe Issue 73 | Page 7


Hello and welcome to the latest edition of Intelligent CIO for Europe . This month ’ s cover story features Juergen Hernadi , Group IT Director at Systemair AB , Europe ’ s largest ventilation company . Systemair is moving its core business system to Infor CloudSuite Manufacturing , aiming at smoother integration of newly acquired companies and developing new types of products and services .

“ Systemair and Infor have had a reliable ERP partnership for over 20 years . The signing of the Infor CloudSuite Manufacturing contract is the next step in this partnership . Infor CloudSuite Manufacturing gives us the opportunity to harmonise the Systemair IT-environment further ,” said Hernadi . “ Infor ’ s multitenant CloudSuites are a major paradigm shift for ERP in terms of how they should be implemented , rolled out and maintained in the future . Infor is clearly at the forefront of business software going forward .” Please turn to page 54 to find out more .
Elsewhere , Herman Chan , President of Sunbird Software , a leader in second-generation DCIM for remote data centre management , outlines the key strategies for implementing data centre automation . Drawing insights from Sunbird ’ s clients , he shares instances of how second-generation DCIM software propels automation in their data centres . “ The benefits of data centre automation are wide-ranging and numerous ,” he says . “ They range from having a single source of truth , improved workflow and productivity , improved collaboration across functional teams , increased utilisation of existing resource capacity , maintaining uptime and meeting service level agreements , eliminating human error , focusing more on strategic projects and simplified data centre security management .” Turn to page 69 to read more .
This month ’ s Talking Business ( pages 34 – 36 ) features Steven Carlini , Vice President of Innovation and Data Center , Schneider Electric . He tells us how the company ’ s industry-first blueprint for optimising data centres can help find solutions to how organisations can ensure they achieve responsible and efficient data centre operations . “ CIOs need to understand and measure the environmental footprint , especially with distributed or campus-based data centres ,” he says . “ Schneider ’ s free tool like the Life Cycle Carbon Footprint for Data Centres can assist in modelling and predicting carbon emissions . This tool allows you to model what your current data centre looks like and change parameters like IT refresh , the carbon intensity of your power and usage of generators .”
Don ’ t forget you can read daily news updates on our website . I ’ d like to wish you a good month ahead and please enjoy the read !
Mark Bowen Editorial Director
www . intelligentcio . com INTELLIGENTCIO EUROPE 7