Intelligent CIO Europe Issue 73 | Page 12


Euronext chooses Board to transform financial planning and analysis

moving to an Intelligent Planning approach with Board , connecting strategic , operational and financial plans with available resources – transforming into agile and responsive teams with the ability to better support and enhance business growth .

Board International , a global leader in Intelligent Planning solutions , has announced that Euronext has chosen it to transform its budgeting , planning and forecasting activities .

Euronext is a leading pan-European financial market infrastructure , connecting European economies to global capital markets . With approximately 1,900 listed issuers and US $ 62 trillion in market capitalisation as of September 2023 , Euronext has a strong , diverse domestic and international client base .
With finance departments under increasing pressure to provide detailed business insights for strategic decision-making , there is no room for disjointed approaches to planning . Euronext ’ s finance teams are
“ Board ’ s Intelligent Planning Platform provides flexible and easy-to-use solutions to support the innovation and growth of our organisation ,” said Ghislain Bardon , Head of Financial Planning and Analysis and Accounting Group at Euronext . “ Board enables Euronext to transform vital financial planning across multiple use cases , delivering better insights for our teams and ultimately better outcomes .”
“ Board supports Euronext with the entire budgeting , planning and forecasting process , overcoming the challenges associated with disparate spreadsheets to deliver a truly intelligent approach ,” said Jeff Casale , CEO of Board .

74 % of enterprise IT budgets are increasing to drive business growth

Omdia ’ s 10th annual IT Enterprise Insights study has revealed that IT has become one of the main drivers of value to an enterprise , with almost three-quarters ( 74 %) of respondents confirming increases to their overall budget allocated to enterprise IT in 2023 , compared to 62 % in 2022 .

As evidenced by the survey of over 6,500 global IT executives , when looking at the priorities of the IT department in the enterprise , the top business priority is increasing operating efficiency , while the top IT priority is managing security , identity and privacy . are moving GenAI solutions from evaluation and lab stages into production environments . additional value to an organization and attracting and keeping talent .
While Generative AI development is following a rocket trajectory , for many industries this has not yet resulted in a big shift in their enterprise technology priorities and spending , as witnessed by their current spend allocations in the survey . However , this is expected to change rapidly as enterprises
“ The term every company is an IT company has never been truer ,” said Cem Nurkan , Enterprise Technology Research Director , Omdia . “ We are seeing a marked shift from ICT being seen predominantly as an engine that keeps the business running into becoming a key source of both creating
“ Understanding business challenges , IT investment priorities and objectives , as well as budget changes across industries and markets , is of key importance . Our research offers essential information for technology vendors to effectively position their technology to their clients .”
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