Intelligent CIO Europe Issue 72 | Page 79

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Mark Grindey , CEO , Zeus Cloud UKBSS
revert to large and unaffordable Capital Expenditure ? The answer is to regain control and bring equipment back on-premise – while also retaining the benefits of cloud technology , including remote support and flexible finance and usage models to meet operational requirements .
A growing number of Service Integration and Management ( SIAM ) companies have recognised the fundamental issues associated with public cloud services and are offering this ‘ back to the future ’ onpremise model with the essential flexibility . Servers can be spun up on-premise as required , with costs linked to usage . Support is included and , by moving back onpremise , the security risks are allayed .
For any business concerned about the need to rebuild a server room or employ dedicated tech experts , neither is an issue . The latest generation of servers can be run at higher temperatures , which means there is no need to recreate the air-conditioned server rooms of the past . The servers can simply be located within existing network rooms or offices . Or , if the business lacks space , the entire system can be securely colocated within a dedicated and locked rack . Tech support is included as part of the service , with providers leveraging the remote , open source technology used to deliver cloud services to cost-effectively ensure the on-premise systems are working effectively .
Bringing this vital infrastructure back into the business is not just cheaper but inherently more secure . Rather than the open , public access model required by the large hyperscalers , an on-premise setup takes the opposite approach : everything is locked down first , with access opened up only as required using highly secure tunnels to safeguard the business . Further , because the entire private cloud setup is owned by the company , any required security changes can be made immediately . There is none of the interconnected public cloud risk that has led to devastating , extended attacks across key public services in recent years .
The ability to regain this level of control is encouraging growing numbers of organisations across both the public and private sectors to actively bring data and systems back in house . These organisations have serious concerns regarding data security . They are unhappy about the growing latency issues associated with the additional layers of security the hyperscalers are having to implement , a problem that vanishes when systems are on-premise . In addition , there is a recognition that a reliance on the public cloud adds operational risk : any interruption to the Internet connection leaves an entire organisation unable to operate .
The tide is turning . The public cloud has its place . It is an ideal location for hosting a website or public-facing apps . But with growing recognition that every single IT deployment would be both cheaper and more secure with an on-premise set up , attitudes are changing . It ’ s time to regain control , go back to the future and implement an on-premise private cloud . p
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