Intelligent CIO Europe Issue 71 | Page 17


Amazon Web Services to launch AWS European Sovereign Cloud

Amazon Web Services ( AWS ) has announced it will launch the AWS European Sovereign Cloud , a new , independent cloud for Europe designed to help public sector customers and those in highly regulated industries meet the most stringent regulatory data residency and operational requirements .

Located and operated within Europe , the AWS European Sovereign Cloud will be physically and logically separate from existing AWS Regions , with the same security , availability and performance of existing AWS Regions , giving customers additional choice to meet their data residency , operational autonomy and resiliency needs . The AWS European Sovereign Cloud will launch with its first AWS Region in Germany and will be available to all European customers .
As with existing AWS Regions , customers will have the control and assurance that AWS will not access or use customer data for any purpose without their agreement , as well as access to the strongest sovereignty controls among leading cloud providers . Only EU-resident AWS employees who are in the EU will have control of the operations and support for the AWS European Sovereign Cloud . For customers with enhanced data residency needs , the AWS European Sovereign Cloud will allow customers to keep all metadata they create ( such as the roles , permissions , resource labels and configurations they use to run AWS ) in the EU and will feature its own billing and usage metering systems .

Finland ’ s Aktia selects Temenos to modernise payments

Temenos has announced that Finland ’ s wealth manager bank , Aktia , has selected Temenos to modernise its payments capabilities adopting Temenos Payments Hub to support the introduction of pan-European instant payments and consolidate all payment rail processing onto a single platform .

The move is part of a strategic platform modernisation to deliver a better customer experience for domestic and cross-border payments with improved efficiencies and to meet continually changing regulatory and compliance requirements .
Payments Hub will allow the bank to simplify and standardise its payments operations for all customers .
By running core banking and payments on a robust , API-first , flexible and highly configurable platform , the bank benefits from integrated accounts and payments processing and low latency execution which is required to deliver high levels of Straight Through Processing ( STP ) and efficient customer experiences . Furthermore , the
single Temenos platform allows for faster and lower-cost updating and maintenance , which means a lower total cost of ownership .
Choosing Temenos ’ cloud-native and cloud-agnostic platform also future-proofs Aktia ’ s technology strategy , enabling an initial on-premise installation with flexibility for seamless migration of its core banking and payments to the cloud or SaaS . Temenos Payments Hub can scale massively handling all payment types and schemes .
Aktia serves more than 250,000 individuals and over 20,000 corporate and institutional customers and already runs on Temenos for core banking . Aktia offers comprehensive banking and wealth management services through close collaboration between Aktia ’ s three business areas : asset management , banking and life insurance – adding Temenos
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