Cybersecurity and cyber storage resilience have traditionally been treated separately in the enterprise but this makes it difficult to create a comprehensive enterprise cybersecurity strategy . It also leaves gaps for cyberattackers to exploit . Due to the exponential growth and intensity of cyberthreats – expected to cost over US $ 8 trillion in 2023 – cyber storage resilience needs to be part of every enterprise ’ s cybersecurity strategy and we will see this become commonplace .
immutable snaps , air-gapping and fenced forensic environments . To facilitate rapid cyber recovery , copies of data – especially critical data – must be unalterable . Data integrity cannot be compromised while combatting a cyberattack .
Another trend to expect for the rest of 2023 is the use of Machine Learning-based automation to hone enterprise security infrastructures .
Another trend to expect for the rest of 2023 is the use of Machine Learning-based automation to hone enterprise security infrastructures . CIOs and CISOs will increasingly be looking to enterprise storage solutions that are not only AI / ML-friendly , but also have autonomous automation that makes the infrastructure smarter to nullify and / or recover from cyberattacks .
It will be especially important for datastores that are moving between on-premises enterprise data centres and the public cloud . In hybrid environments , security experts agree that it ’ s vital for enterprises to be investing in creating secure datastores for both primary datasets and for backup datasets that use immutable snapshots and air-gapping . This is leading to enterprises and service providers more proactively deploying enterprise storage products that have baked-in cyber storage resilience capabilities , such as rapid cyber recovery ,
Autonomous automation allows an enterprise to deal with its massive amounts of data that are simply too much for storage and IT administrators to handle alone . This has ramifications for security . The adoption of these more sophisticated tools will only increase over time . While ML-based automation is definitely an area that enterprises need to fully utilise , cybercriminals are simultaneously also using AI / ML to automate their cyberattacks . They are using various model stealing and data-poisoning techniques . Metaphorically and literally , there is a battle underway of corporate automation vs . criminal automation on the security front .
Cyber storage resilience needs to be part of every enterprise ’ s cybersecurity strategy and we will see this become commonplace .
Organisations that are not properly cyber secure will see more cyberattacks in the months and years ahead , not fewer attacks . And companies won ’ t just get hit once and then have years to recover . Hackers have become highly skilful at hiding malicious code . The attacks have become an onslaught that requires a different way of thinking about how both cybersecurity and enterprise storage are better aligned . p
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