Intelligent CIO Europe Issue 61 | Page 25



Data management has become a huge focal point for IT leaders as of late due to the data explosion and an increased demand to stay connected . We take a look at insights from 600 European and US data leaders to get an inside look at the state of data policy management – from how it ’ s done to who ’ s in charge .

Immuta , the leader in data access and security , has announced the findings of a comprehensive survey of data leaders that highlights the current and future state of data policy management practices , including the top criteria for data management tools and the roles organizations are recruiting to handle data policy enforcement efforts .

It ’ s now incumbent upon data leaders to ensure their teams have the right human and technical resources in place .
The 2022 Data Policy Management Report surveyed 600 US and European data leaders , commissioned by Immuta and conducted by 451 Research , the enterprise technology research unit of S & P Global Market Intelligence .
The report finds that data management priorities are evolving beyond achieving compliance and cost reductions . More than half of survey respondents ( 52.5 %) say they are primarily motivated to adopt or improve data policy management efforts by the need for BI and data analytics insights , while 43.5 % said compliance and just 21 % cited cost savings efforts , pointing to an evolution of data maturity as organisations focus on how best to maximise and leverage all the data at their disposal .
The survey also found that data policy management is likely to continue evolving as data security and privacy concerns remain at the forefront for consumers and businesses alike . Looking ahead , customer trust
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