Intelligent CIO Europe Issue 60 | Page 28

While there was an increase in the adoption of cloud infrastructure during the pandemic , the study also showed a decrease in support for ‘ cloud first ’ strategies during 2022 .
“ The results of this study strengthen the case for hybrid combinations thanks to the flexibility and choice it can deliver to both large and small companies ,” said Terry Storrar , Managing Director UK at Leaseweb . “ And much as there has been a shift towards cloud adoption , rather than highlighting the pandemic as a key driver of a shift to the cloud , it appears that businesses were investing in cloud beforehand and that investment levels have remained relatively static .” important part of IT strategy , it still exists within many organisations ’ environments .
The positive news is this does not appear to be stifling innovation : only 16 % of respondents said that legacy infrastructure was either standing in the way of further cloud adoption or limiting their organisation ’ s ability to make business decisions . Instead , the focus is on deploying applications in the right place , with a key takeaway from the study being the end of onpremises infrastructure may be approaching , but not quite here .
“ Although respondents acknowledge that the desire and need to look after on-premises infrastructure is dying , the results also indicate that businesses are still using it as an ongoing component of their IT infrastructure when adopting hybrid cloud ,” said Storrar . “ The key takeaway from this research is IT teams are looking for flexibility – there ’ s no one-sizefits-all approach . Organisations are now more likely to qualify cloud out during the assessment stage , rather than the other way around , but the main focus is on choosing the right infrastructure locations for specific use cases .” p
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