Intelligent CIO Europe Issue 60 | Page 23

In fact , employees are considering quitting their jobs now more than in 2021 , as per a survey by Microsoft Corp ., which also reports that over half of young workers are mulling a job change within the next year . Microsoft ’ s second annual Worker Trend Index , which measures global employee attitudes , showed an increase in respondents who said they are likely to consider a job change in the coming year . The overall number jumped to 43 % of respondents , up from 41 % in last year ’ s survey – a result that Microsoft at the time dubbed the Great Reshuffle . Others called it the Great Resignation , which saw U . S . workers quitting jobs in record numbers .
As per the US Labor Department , 4.5 million workers left their jobs in November 2021 . This matched record numbers observed in September and accounted for 3 % of the workforce quit their jobs each month . About 75.5 million people in America resigned in 2021 .
According to a ResumeBuilder . com poll , around 23 % of the workforce will seek new jobs in 2022 . Among hybrid workers , 52 % said they may want to switch to fully remote , while 57 % of those who are working from home said they ’ re willing to consider returning to the office at least part of the time . p
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