Intelligent CIO Europe Issue 60 | Page 10


IONOS and Fasthosts open £ 21 million state-of-the-art data centre in Worcester

independent and , technically speaking , a data centre in its own right . This provides the opportunity for expansion with three extra modules to support future growth .
Sustainability is at the forefront of the data centre , with a wide range of sustainable and energy-efficient features , including solar photovoltaic panels covering up to 10 % of the energy use at the site . All necessary carbon used for the construction of the building envelope has been compensated .

IONOS , one of Europe ’ s largest hosting services providers , and Fasthosts , its UK subsidiary , have opened a state-of-theart data centre situated at Worcester Six Business Park . The data centre was officially opened during an event on October 18 2022 , hosted by the two companies in the presence of local stakeholders and guests .

The 43,708 sq ft unit comprises a cuttingedge 30,729 sq ft data centre and 12,978 sq ft of ancillary offices .
The data centre represents a £ 21 million investment in the local Worcester community . It has been designed with a modular approach , with each module at the site fully
Designed and constructed to a Tier IV standard , the data centre is connected to the middle of the UK ’ s fibre figure of eight , linking the site directly to IONOS ’ backbone network with an outside capacity of 3,000 Gigabit per second . This strong fibre optic connectivity will help drive the latest technology in the region to support business growth , all while operating securely and sustainably .

Temenos launches carbon emissions calculator on Temenos Banking Cloud

Temenos has announced the availability of a carbon emissions calculator – one of the industry ’ s first – giving its customers deeper insight into carbon emissions data associated with their consumption of Temenos Banking Cloud services .

This approach has been introduced by Temenos to estimate its own cloud and SaaS operations ’ carbon emissions . The calculator ’ s methodology has been independently verified by Grant Thornton , one of the world ’ s leading accounting and consultancy firms . The calculator leverages the data provided by Microsoft Cloud for Sustainability Emission Impact Dashboard services , to report carbon emissions metrics .
This new Environmental Social Governance ( ESG ) offering is provided to Temenos Banking Cloud customers as a tailored carbon impact assessment at no cost to help them gain carbon insights from using
Temenos Banking services , allowing them to track progress towards reaching their sustainability targets and complying with growing climate-related regulation . The emissions calculator is embedded into the Temenos Banking Cloud client portal .
Migrating from legacy IT systems to cloud-based services can significantly improve carbon emissions . Banks are facing new reporting requirements from industry bodies such as the International Sustainability Standards Board ( ISSB ), which require them to provide deeper levels of transparency into their carbon emissions . Temenos helps meet these requirements by delivering a complete set of data on cloud emissions for each client in addition to the data provided by Microsoft on their Azure consumption .
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