Intelligent CIO Europe Issue 59 | Page 14


atNorth joins the German Datacenter Association

by leading research institutes , local communities and a network of partners and aims to sustainably improve the conditions for data centre operators in Germany and to raise awareness of the market for investment opportunities .

The GDA intends to offer data centre operators in Germany a platform to work together to promote the growth of the sector and raise awareness of the industry across business , society and politics in the region . The GDA supports its members with regards to laws , regulations and standards and political issues with its relevant committees . atNorth , a leading pan-Nordic colocation , high-performance computing and Artificial Intelligence service provider , has announced that it has joined the German Datacenter Association ( GDA ).

At the forefront of shaping the future of Germany ’ s digital infrastructure , membership to the GDA will help atNorth continue to support the sustainable advancement of data centre facilities across Europe .
The German Datacenter Association , which was established in 2018 , is an association of operators and owners of data centres of all sizes . The Association is supported
“ At atNorth , we have ambitious goals to push the boundaries of data centre operations with sustainability , efficiency and performance truly at our core ,” said atNorth , Sales Director DACH , Michael Endres . “ Aligning to an organisation as well-respected and influential as the GDA will be critical to the success of our business in the German market .”

Experian Fraud Score aims to boost fraud prevention in the UK

Experian has announced the launch of Experian Fraud Score , a next-generation fraud prevention solution which will help businesses of all shapes and sizes to detect fraud at the point of application , transaction and throughout the customer life cycle .

The service is independent of any data consortium membership , allowing organisations to have access to an advanced fraud prevention score ‘ out-of-the-box ’.
Experian technology helped prevent £ 1.8 billion in fraudulent transactions in the UK during the last 12 months alone . It has just been named as the leading global provider of online payment fraud solutions by Juniper Research ( Online Payment Fraud report 2022 , Juniper Research ).
By harnessing the insights from billions of credit applications and application data points , alongside confirmed fraud application data , the launch of Experian Fraud Score marks a new era in fraud prevention technology , widening access to this cutting-edge technology in the market .
Developed using Machine Learning capabilities , front-line data analytics and proprietary bureau and fraud outcome data , Experian Fraud Score deploys a probability scoring system from one to 1,000 – with a low score signifying a lower risk – to help businesses better understand the fraud risk of each new and existing customer interactions .
“ Machine Learning is the foundation on which new fraud prevention systems are being built and thanks to Experian Fraud Score , new and emerging businesses – as well as established ones – can leverage the benefits ,” said Eduardo Castro , Managing Director , Identity and Fraud , Experian UK & I .
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