Hello and welcome to the latest edition of Intelligent CIO Europe where we bring you a roundup of some of the exciting trends and developments taking place across the region ’ s IT space . We hear from various industry experts who offer their best practice advice on hot topics of interest .
On this month ’ s cover , we have Christoph Berentzen , Head of API & Open Banking at Commerzbank , who discusses how the organisation aimed to reimagine its banking workflows from the perspective of the end customer . We gain valuable insight into how , by deploying secure gateways , the bank has established a solid basis for digital innovation with the help of Axway . This can be found on page 58 .
discusses how new disruptive technologies , hybrid and distributed IT architectures and the need for actionable data insights surrounding cybersecurity , energy efficiency and sustainability , is changing the role of the CIO .
Another of our customer stories this month looks at the relationship between Node4 and one of the UK ’ s leading suppliers to hair and beauty professionals , Ellisons . Lee Farmer , IT & Operations Director at Ellisons , outlines how the company ’ s core values align with its strategy for IT innovation and tells us how Node4 has been instrumental in offering reliable services to the retailer ’ s customers . This can be found on page 63 .
On page 25 , we take a look at some interesting research by Crossword Cybersecurity Plc which revealed that a perfect storm of escalating cyberattacks and global tech innovation leaves 61 % of CISOs only ‘ fairly confident ’ in managing their current threat exposure .
Our ‘ Talking Biz ’ feature this month comes from Sreeram Visvanathan , Chief Executive of IBM UK and Ireland , who explores some of the ways business leaders can guide their teams to success and thrive in a new era which is rapidly evolving . You can find this on page 38 .
To round off , we ‘ Get To Know ’ Mark Devereux , CTPO , Scalable Software , who tells us how he landed in his role and how he likes to relax and unwind outside the office . Find this on page 81 .
I hope you enjoy the read and if you ’ d like to contribute to any upcoming editions , please don ’ t hesitate to contact me at alix @ lynchpinmedia . com
On page 46 , Kevin Brown , SVP , EcoStruxure Solutions , Secure Power Division , Schneider Electric ,
Alix Pressley Editor
www . intelligentcio . com INTELLIGENTCIO EUROPE 7