be at the vanguard of introducing new technologies to Turkey to accelerate the country ’ s transformation into an information society .
The 30 applications cover functions that span from core to Edge and aim to improve operations as well as consumer and enterprise service delivery , such as :
View of Iznik Lake from Telecommunication
Many communications service providers around the world are finding it increasingly challenging to meet customer demands in the context of ongoing Digital Transformation across industries and more recently , disruption from the COVID-19 pandemic . Türk Telekom wanted to apply cutting-edge application technologies and methods in order to deliver services more dynamically .
With this collaboration , Red Hat supported Türk Telekom with optimising its microservices architecture and consolidating services and data management and analysis . It standardised on Red Hat OpenShift as the foundational horizontal application platform for greater ease of deployment and scaling . Red Hat Consulting and Red Hat Training provided upskilling programs to help Türk Telekom to get the best value from its cloud-native technologies and to be more agile using microservices and CI / CD . Türk Telekom also leaned on the expertise of Red Hat services to help define a security architecture that takes advantage of OpenShift ’ s native features including network and container isolation and application data access protection .
Türk Telekom ’ s strategy targets 30 key applications for migration to OpenShift . A total of 10 applications are live today on the platform , providing an enhanced experience for customers . For example , the performance of game distribution platform Playstore . com has increased by up to 30 % since its migration to OpenShift . Red Hat consultants continue to collaborate with Türk Telekom to shift workloads successfully , including one migration that completed three weeks ahead of schedule .
• Monitoring customer usage to make personalised offers using Artificial Intelligence ( AI )
• AI-powered holistic automation of infrastructure
• Music-distribution application muud
• Asset management using Blockchain technologies
• A managed cloud offering for enterprise customers
• Internal network reporting and monitoring , as well as energy consumption analysis using Internet of Things ( IoT ) data collected from Edge sites
Using Red Hat OpenShift ’ s self-service capabilities Türk Telekom can deploy applications in as little as 90 seconds compared to taking days previously , with automation helping remove manual processes so developers can be more productive . More agile life cycle management as well as autoscaling enables the business to bring new capabilities and updates to market as they are ready and manage workloads dynamically , instead of limiting production pushes to specific days . Additionally , Red Hat OpenShift Virtualization is enabling virtual machine workloads to be run and managed alongside container workloads . OpenShift holistically helps improve cost effectiveness and efficiency for the business .
Red Hat OpenShift Data Foundation provides Türk Telekom with the capability to manage storage centrally . For more agile integration with internal and partner applications as part of its microservices infrastructure , Türk Telekom is also in the process of implementing Red Hat 3scale API Management and Red Hat AMQ messaging platform . It is also planning on bringing in Red Hat OpenStack Platform as a foundation for its private cloud .
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