LATEST INTELLIGENCE and energy , see power hogs that can be replaced or virtualized , allocate costs to customers , and compare IT efficiencies . Switched PDUs with outlet control allow you to remotely power on and power off individual outlets when equipment is not in use to save energy , just like turning your lights off when you leave your house .
Metering and monitoring every connection point in your power circuits enables you to improve capacity planning , optimize management of existing resources , and report on efficiency metrics like PUE . Other power meter options include bus drops and busway end feeds , remote power panels , floor PDUs , UPSs , and building meters .
Collect data on your environmental conditions
Next , you need to deploy environment sensors . This will allow you to remotely monitor the conditions of your data center , know where opportunities to improve energy efficiency are , and ensure that your efficiency initiatives are not putting your equipment outside of recommended ranges and increasing the risk of downtime . Plus , sensors are easy to install and cost-effective . �
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