TRENDING response and extended detection and response ( EDR-XDR ) capabilities .
Among British respondents , 37 % claimed to have fully implemented EDR-XDR and cloud cybersecurity modernisation , whereas Multi-Factor Authentication ( MFA ) and Zero Trust appear to be behind . A total of 47 % of French respondents reported having fully deployed MFA , apparently placing the French furthest ahead in this area compared to their British and German peers .
Software supply chain risk
The majority ( 82 %) of global respondents believe software supply chain risk management policies and processes are of either high or crucial importance to national security .
Over half ( 76 %) of UK respondents said these policies and processes are extremely or highly difficult to implement and only 39 % claim to have fully implemented such practices . A total of 63 % of German respondents and 58 % of French respondents identified these policies and processes as difficult to implement . Only 40 % of the Germans and 36 % of the French acknowledge fully implementing such measures . industry if their governments demanded higher software security standards within government implementations . But only 56 % of German , 51 % of UK and 48 % of French respondents support government mandates demanding cybersecurity standards for the entire software industry .
Cyber skills challenges
While survey respondents identified a variety of barriers to implementation of advanced technologies , a cybersecurity talent shortage was revealed across the three countries . A total of 48 % of German , 41 % of British and 35 % of French respondents acknowledged a lack of in-house cyberskills as a key challenge to their implementation efforts . Around a third of each group also identified a lack of implementation expertise as a key barrier . These findings mirrored cybersecurity skills shortages in the US and Asia Pacific .
“ The cyberskills gap is well known ; the report highlights the deficit is stifling the deployment of cybersecurity technology ,” said Palma . “ Whatever innovation advantage the US and its allies believe we have is irrelevant if we cannot implement the solutions .”
Public – private partnerships
The European respondents agree software security standards would improve across the entire software
A large number ( 95 %) of German and French respondents and 86 % of British respondents
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