One in three companies has experienced a successful cyberattack in the last year
developments in the European cyberthreat landscape . Our goal is to further raise awareness of this topic – especially for the ‘ human factor ’ in information security ,” said Dr Niklas Hellemann , Managing Director of SoSafe . “ Employees need more than security guidelines . Employees can be activated as a ‘ human firewall ’ to sustainably reduce the security risk . To achieve this , a security culture must be established in companies that involve people and supports them in identifying cyberthreats and behaving safely .”
SoSafe , one of the fastest-growing cybersecurity awareness providers worldwide , has published its Human Risk Review 2022 .
A survey by Allianz Insurance also shows that cyberincidents are the number one business risk worldwide . At the RSA Conference 2021 ,
Chuck Robbins , CEO , Cisco , spoke of US $ 6 trillion in damages per year . The interface between man and machine remains the number one entry point – more than 85 % of all attacks start with the human factor .
“ With the Human Risk Review 2022 , we want to provide insights into current trends and
The Human Risk Review 2022 helps with this . It gives security managers recommendations for action to strengthen the security culture in companies holistically and sustainably . With the help of SoSafe ’ s ‘ Behavioral Security Model ’, organisations can significantly and effectively minimise human risks based on psychological approaches . SoSafe ’ s data shows that systematic awareness measures reduce risks by up to 90 %.
Venafi expands Machine Identity Management Development Fund to include world ’ s leading universities
Venafi , an inventor and leading provider of machine identity management , has expanded its Machine Identity Management Development Fund to include some of the world ’ s leading universities , including Carnegie Mellon University ( CMU ) and Oxford University . The new Development Fund initiative provides sponsorships for academic research and development into the critical controls and capabilities advancing state-of-the-art machine identity management . Launched in 2018 with US $ 12.5 million , the Machine Identity Management Development Fund already provides organisations ’ developers with direct sponsorship from Venafi to accelerate machine identity management research and innovation that futureproof customer and industry success .
The new Development Fund programme provides direct sponsorship to university research teams and students investing in cutting-edge machine identity innovation . Research and development programmes can focus on attack tactics and techniques and possible mitigations , as well as applied uses of machine identities , with a particular focus on identities for new types of machines , including those designed for cloud native environments .
To kick off this new Development Fund initiative , Venafi has partnered with Oxford University and CMU . Venafi is sponsoring a full PhD programme at Oxford University to investigate machine identity management innovations and create new open-source solutions . At CMU , Venafi sponsored Master ’ s degree candidates in the Information Networking Institute ’ s Practicum as part of the College of Engineering .
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