Intelligent CIO Europe Issue 42 | Page 61

CASE STUDY and the customer experience – i . e . we have delivered the intended benefits and avoided disruption . We are also suffering from a far-reduced number of outages . As part of the implementation , we also agreed an ongoing support model with Node4 , where they work in tandem with our partner on the development side . Node4 ’ s ability to work collaboratively in this space is a real advantage . This transformation also sets us up for the next iteration of our Digital Transformation – providing resilient foundations that we can build upon .
What end-user demands and / or technology trends are driving your overall technology / digital strategy ?
There are many . From an end-user perspective – convenience and personalisation are critical , as they are for many businesses . These require us to look for more dynamic ways of delivering services – through cloud computing , DevOps and digital capabilities , such as design thinking and agile delivery .
“ For the first time , it feels like our infrastructure really enables digital delivery , rather than holding it back – and that ’ s a wonderful feeling !”
We caught up with Dave Ankers , IT Strategy and Delivery Director at Nuffield Health , to gain some further insight into the benefits of the technology transformation .
Can you tell us about your role and the scope of your responsibility ?
As IT Strategy and Delivery Director , I have a few accountabilities . Defining and iterating IT strategy and Architecture – covering long-term strategy and contributing to business strategy , as well as leading business , enterprise , data and technology architecture to enable specific business objectives or demands from our customers , members , partners or employees . We also track and manage our response to trends – technological , digital , clinical and operational . However , I ’ m also responsible for improving and transforming IT and the services we provide to our business – through agile continual improvement and enabling transformational project delivery .
How transformative has the implementation been for Nuffield Health ?
The initial work that we have completed has enabled significant in-year savings and improved performance
Efficiency and productivity are also critical . Automation and API-based integration are key here , as well as Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning . Our business strategy relies on these foundations . As an example , how we integrate with our business-tobusiness customers has changed in favour of API integration , due to the customer experience benefits this enables . I expect this trend to continue . Finally – and there are many others I could pick – I see Digital Twins being an important future step for us , particularly in our pursuit of ever-personalised care , focusing on member outcomes and delivering the care they need to achieve their optimum level of health and well-being .
What specific benefits has the solution offered ?
The immediate benefits are cost and reliability . We have made significant in-year savings as compared to our previous solution , reducing the cost to serve of the platform . We have also managed to improve reliability significantly . As we come out of the pandemic , our services will be in even higher demand – so this reliability is key . p






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