Intelligent CIO Europe Issue 40 | Page 84


The best of both worlds : Making the most of your hybrid IT strategy

Hybrid IT is becoming a more talked about subject as businesses adapt to innovative ways of working . Chris Huggett , Senior Vice President , Europe & India , Sungard Availability Services , offers his best practice advice by explaining some of the simple steps to ensure you make the most of your hybrid IT strategy and reap the benefits .

Living through ‘ unprecedented times ’ is nothing new for organisations . Businesses have always had to deal with highs and lows and adapt accordingly . The pandemic has shown that the flexibility to maximise or minimise the impact of planned or unplanned opportunities or threats is vital .

Hybrid working and hybrid socialising will be in place for the foreseeable and many predict that a hybrid working model will remain even when life goes back to ‘ normal ’. Hybrid IT , on the other hand , isn ’ t new , but adoption , having increased for the last few years , has seen a boost as companies look for the answer to safeguard against future disruption . Put simply , hybrid IT is the mixture of IT infrastructure platforms – legacy on-premise and private / public hybrid clouds – that an enterprise uses to satisfy its application workload and data needs .
It is the perfect solution for companies that demand agility , scalability and an OPEX cost model of the cloud , but want consistent performance and control of security , compliance and costs long-term .
Hybrid IT is about deciding which workloads should be deployed to the cloud and which should run on a company ’ s infrastructure . So how do organisations decide what goes where ?
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