Intelligent CIO Europe Issue 40 | Page 50

As more and more businesses worldwide are adopting Blockchain technology , we hear how 10 Spanish companies are working together to utilise it to develop a digital identity model and bring Spain to the forefront in Blockchain development .

Spanish companies join to promote digital ident Blockchain technology

Skyline panorama of Barcelona at sunrise

A total of 10 leading Spanish companies are working together to develop a self-managed digital identity model with Blockchain technology , which will bring Spain to the forefront in this kind of development . They will be launching a solution which will give the user a single self-managed digital identity , in a secure reliable environment , to make it easier to fill in forms automatically to take up services , among other uses .

The project , known as Dalion , has completed the concept test , as well as the second phase of the project , to rollout the solution in May 2021 . This initiative is open to new partners in order to boost its usage .
The project , including Banco Santander , Bankia , BME , CaixaBank , Inetum , Liberbank , LĂ­nea Directa
Aseguradora , Mapfre , Naturgy and Repsol , and also the Alastria consortium , will give users control over their personal data , making digital identity selfmanaged by each person in a secure and reliable manner a reality .
Self-managed identity enables people to have their personal data in a single digital identity , backed by the companies involved and stored on their own mobile device . Users may decide who to share the data with at any time in a fast , simple , secure process , in order to take up any service with no need to fill in tedious forms .
For example , they may use their data validated by other organisations to hire a car , take out insurance , arrange a loan , take up an electricity service , or any service they wish , in just a few clicks .
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