warns UK
of impending
£132.9 m
in new h
Cybersecurity expert, CrowdStrike,
has issued a stark warning to British
businesses, telling them to crack down on
lax remote working policies now or risk
catastrophic exposure at the hands of
adversaries after lockdown is over.
Its latest research, in cooperation with
YouGov, has found that over half (52%)
of people in the UK working from home do
so on their own personal devices, creating
potential backdoors into corporate systems
for adversaries. CrowdStrike has also seen
a 100X increase in COVID-19 related
malicious files circulating in February and
March, yet two thirds (65%) of remote
workers in the UK say they had no extra
training against cyberattacks.
Mike Sentonas, CTO at CrowdStrike, said:
“Most companies had to improvise in order
to keep their operations running during
lockdown. But the rush of creating a fully
remote workforce has meant that proper
cybersecurity practices have fallen by the
wayside. We have seen a rapid increase in
attempted cyberattacks by criminals taking
advantage of the situation.”
Despite the rapid evolution and expansion
of the cybersecurity threat landscape
during the pandemic, only a third (33%) of
respondents believe that cyberattacks are
more likely now than before the lockdown.
Similarly, only 6% of respondents believe
their personal devices are less secure than
corporate ones.
Infrastructure techn
provider, CAE Tech
has completed the pu
headquarters that wi
move from Watford t
between now and Q3
This purchase comes
reported strong num
year ending June 201
that period increased
million to £132.9 mil
from multiple areas d
made in the previous
This robust performa
CAE enter the Sunda
Track at number 26, a
Britain’s private com
fastest-growing profi