Intelligent CIO Europe Issue 26 | Page 84

///////////////////////////////////// FINAL WORD A single security recommendation to solve an age- old problem Password management is undoubtedly one of the most basic security practices yet it is one that people struggle with the most when it comes to operating securely. Morey Haber, CTO and CISO, BeyondTrust, offers his advice to ensuring a best practice approach to password security. I n the cyber world, we’re exposed to an onslaught of recommendations and top lists for improving IT security. They may have some universal characteristics, but are infrequently not relevant for adoption by everyone, everywhere and at every time. In fact, can you guess what the number one, universal and best security recommendation is for everyone to embrace? Here’s a hint, it is related to passwords. To further set the stage for this recommendation, let’s consider all the infosec recommendations we experience on a daily basis. These include everything from security skills and cyber-awareness training to patch management. They target problems from phishing to vulnerability management but are not necessarily relevant to every employee within an organisation, nor are they necessarily relevant to each person on their personal devices at home. While it is common knowledge to avoid email spam, and employees are often trained on how to identify suspicious emails and advised not to click on suspicious links, it is interesting that younger generations are far less likely to embrace email outside of the corporate enterprise. Instant messaging and other forms of social 84 INTELLIGENTCIO