Intelligent CIO Europe Issue 21 | Page 81

GET TO KNOW... On the lighter side of things, we ask the industry experts what makes them tick. . . . Jackie Barwell, Director of Fraud and Risk Product Management, ACI Worldwide W What would you describe as your most memorable achievement? When working for Citigroup, I had to create and implement a company-wide proactive approach to managing fraud risk across the business – with no resource budget. It was a big ask given that at the time, the company employed 350,000 full time employees with a similar number of temporary and contract staff. I selected the existing network of Compliance Officers to be the fraud risk ‘ears and eyes’ of Citigroup – and travelled the world to meet this 300-strong team. Using colourful but real examples of successful frauds, I educated them on the facts about the deceptive mind of a fraudster and furnished them with enough knowledge to recognise fraud risk. Seeing this team of individuals turn into purposeful and excited individuals keen to get back into their respective businesses to detect and solve fraud vulnerabilities, was my most memorable achievement. What first made you think of a career in technology? I didn’t set out to work in technology. I left school at 16 and went into the very first job that said ‘yes’ to my application – an office junior role for a network of local Kent newspapers. One day, I happened to take a ‘situations vacant’ advertisement request to be put into the paper the following week, the company was looking for a secretary and I applied. That gave me the ‘banking job in London’ that I had decided was my next goal in life – I was 18. It was as I was progressing through that role and then moving onto other financial institutions (Bank of America and Citigroup) where I found myself working in areas of control such as Fraud Management. These areas rely on technology to be successful – needing to use automation to spot anomalies, deficiencies, fraud and operational risk weaknesses and to spot signs of money laundering. As my career progressed, I found myself being responsible for the selection of this technology – so moving into the world of technology was a natural step for me. “ IT’S THE QUIET INDIVIDUAL’S FEW WORDS THAT COULD HAVE THE MOST IMPACT. What style of management philosophy do you employ with your current position? I’ve always had an inclusive and mentoring management style. Teams need a blend of personality types to be successful and I make conscious efforts to ensure those less extrovert in the team are able to be heard in whatever method they feel most comfortable getting their views across – which may not be on a conference call. All too often it’s the quiet individual’s few words that could have the most impact. What do you think will emerge as the technology trend of 2019 and why? It could be the concerted effort towards preparing for IoT and 5G. This huge preparation effort will involve merchants, telecom companies, solution and payment providers, financial services and solutions, security and risk management, regulation and legislation, governments, cross-border/ cross-continent collaboration and more. I’ve seen that preparation taking place here at ACI with our data centre work and solution architectural innovations, all with a view to providing any payment, anytime, anywhere using anything.The payments sector is an exciting place to be right now. INTELLIGENTCIO 81