Intelligent CIO Europe Issue 19 | Page 46

CIO opinion CIO OPINION “ EVERYONE MUST UNDERSTAND THAT SECURITY ISN’T AN IT PROBLEM, DATA SECURITY IS A BUSINESS PROBLEM. Chester Wisniewski, Principal Research Scientist in the Office of the CTO, Sophos ////////////////// Expert informs business leaders on how to maintain a positive approach to cybersecurity The evolving cyberthreat landscape is forcing C-level executives to improve or adapt their defence strategies. Chester Wisniewski, Principal Research Scientist in the Office of the CTO, Sophos, tells us why a proactive approach can contribute to building a positive security culture and defend against attacks. 46 INTELLIGENTCIO H How can smart technologies like AI and ML contribute to monitoring or preventing cybersecurity attacks? I think we’re in the really early stages of seeing the benefits from this and the initial thing everybody’s done, including us, is think about how we use it to enhance the protection we’re providing at different places in the attack chain. But I think where the real value is going to lie in the long term will be focused on augmenting the humans so that we become more efficient at what we do. The challenge for humans is managing the ridiculous quantities of data we have coming in – humans simply cannot deal with it. This is where Machine Learning and AI come into play. Humans are really good at taking a quick look at something and immediately recognising whether it’s good or bad and machines are terrible at it. When you look at how you measure the effectiveness today of a Machine Learning algorithm blocking for anti-malware, it’s measured on what’s called a rock curve. That means that you’re measuring it because you have to decide on how aggressive you want to be because if you move too far one way, you find all kinds of false positives and detect all the bad stuff and if you move too far the other way, you’re getting very poor detection but you’re never wrong. The challenge lies in how