Intelligent CIO Europe Issue 19 | Page 44

FEATURE: EDGE COMPUTING ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// IF YOU ARE LOOKING AT HOW YOU TRANSFORM YOUR EDGE TO DELIVER THE APPLICATIONS OF THE FUTURE AND TO TRANSFORM THENETWORK FUNCTIONS YOU DELIVER TODAY, WHY NOT TALK TO US. Security and privacy risks can be reduced by limiting data flows between the point of collection and the core infrastructure, especially when those flows happen over the public Internet. Using the Edge helps you to adhere to in-country data protection laws. It keeps sensitive data within the device, anonymising, analysing and keeping the data at the source rather than sending identifiable information to the cloud. So, what could this look like? Edge Computing is still in the ‘innovation trigger’ phase of its Gartner Hype Cycle and it’s estimated to be another two to five years until it reaches maturity, but it will transform the way firms deploy and consume data centre resources. 44 INTELLIGENTCIO AROUND 10% OF ENTERPRISE-GENERATED DATA IS CREATED AND PROCESSED OUTSIDE A TRADITIONAL CENTRALISED DATA CENTRE OR CLOUD.