Intelligent CIO Europe Issue 19 | Page 28

INFOGRAPHIC INFOGRAPHIC BeyondTrust research finds 64% of businesses have suffered an insider breach B eyondTrust, a global leader in privileged access management, has released the 2019 Privileged Access Threat Report. In its fourth edition, the global survey explores the visibility, control and management that IT organisations across the globe have over employees, contractors and third-party vendors with privileged access to their IT networks. According to the report, 64% believe they’ve likely had either a direct or indirect breach due to misused or abused employee access in the last 12 months and 62% believe they’ve had a breach due to compromised vendor access. Poor security hygiene by employees continues to be a challenge for most organisations. Writing down passwords, for example, was cited as a problem by 60% of organisations, while colleagues telling each other passwords was also an issue for 58% of organisations, a steady increase from 2018’s statistics. Employees in Germany are the most likely (30%) to tell colleagues their passwords. Ultimately, 71% of organisations agree that they would be more secure if they restricted employee device access. However, this isn’t usually realistic, let alone conducive to productivity. “Both internal employees and third- party vendors need privileged access to be able to do their jobs effectively but need this access granted in a way that doesn’t compromise security or impede productivity,” commented Morey Haber, CTO and CISO of BeyondTrust. 28 INTELLIGENTCIO