Siemon demonstrates
advantages of plug
terminated link technology
iemon, a global network infrastructure
expert, has created a new video to
demonstrate how plug terminated link
technology speeds up the deployment of IP-
based and PoE-enabled devices in intelligent
buildings, while cutting costs and increasing
security and performance.
Using high-end graphics, the new video
takes the viewer on a virtual tour through
an intelligent building to illustrate how
more building devices are connected to the
intelligent building cabling infrastructure,
traditionally via work area outlets and
double-ended patch cords.
By delivering a close-up view behind the
walls and ceilings, the video goes on to
demonstrate how IP and PoE-enabled
devices including PoE lighting, security
cameras, wireless access points and building
automation controls can be deployed much
more rapidly using plug-terminated links.
Plug terminated link technology enables
high-performance links to connect directly
to end devices making network boxes,
outlets and patch cords obsolete, saving on
material and labour costs. These links can be
terminated on site to enable custom-length
direct connections to these devices.
Further benefits include improved
performance and more efficient power
delivery to end devices, as well as improved
security for devices like surveillance cameras.
Also showcased in the video is Siemon’s
new Z-PLUG field-terminated plug which
offers an innovative approach to connecting
IP-enabled IoT and smart building devices.
Z-PLUG was developed specifically to deliver
custom-length cables that can be terminated
on site for quick direct connections to PoE
LED lights, security cameras, wireless access
points, digital displays, distributed antenna
systems (DAS), building automation controls
and more.
Advanced design features including
rounded corners, the short plug body and
the ability to be terminated without the
boot, make Z-PLUG ideal for connecting
devices with shallow spaces like cameras
and access points.
The video uses animation and a step-by-step
guide to clearly demonstrate how Z-PLUG can
be terminated in the field quickly and reliably
using shielded, unshielded, solid or stranded
cables and Siemon’s Z-PLUG termination tool
that ensures repeatable performance.
“We are seeing a real shift in how many of
today’s buildings are being developed as we
see a myriad of IP-based and PoE-enabled
devices being connected to a building’s
network much more rapidly,” said Lee
Funnell, Siemon’s Technical Manager for
Europe, Russia and Africa.
“Our new Z-PLUG field-terminated plug,
which exceeds all category 6A performance
requirements and supports advanced power
over Ethernet, has been designed to easily
facilitate custom-length direct connections
to these devices and this video shows clearly
how Z-PLUG achieves that.” n