he Priory, which offers private and
NHS mental health services, has
been expanding both in the UK and
internationally. As it served more people in
more locations, The Priory outgrew its IT
helpdesk ticketing system, which supports its
employees and service users. In six years, the
IT service desk expanded from two people
to 30 agents handling 400 tickets a day.
With an ageing ticketing system no longer
supported by the vendor, IT needed to make
a change.
Sarah Nash, IT Support Specialist, led
The Priory’s transformation to using an
enterprise-class service management
platform. Sarah and her colleagues
evaluated three leading service
management platforms and chose to
deploy Ivanti Service Manager. With Service
Manager, The Priory has a modern approach
to service management that blends best
practices with configurable tools to deliver IT
services at a higher quality and lower cost. to test, we went live on the fifth week,” said
Sarah. Sarah got The Priory up and running on
Service Manager with no formal training. For
ongoing enhancements, Sarah makes heavy
use of an external staging site to learn new
capabilities as the rollout progresses.
Service Manager provides a complete
lifecycle approach to service management
but is intuitive enough that nontechnical
business managers can design services
with drag-and-drop ease. For The Priory
employees, the experience is also intuitive –
a ‘one-stop shop’ for all IT service needs. One of the biggest culture changes was
getting accustomed to incidents and service
requests, which were not distinguished under
the old system. “It was a learning curve for IT
as a department, but it has made it easier for
the users,” said Sarah.
The Priory wasted no time replacing its old
ticketing system. “Between blueprint and
build took three weeks and allowing one week
Service requests are tied tightly to the
business value. “If someone makes a request,
it generally has a monetary or security
requirement,” she said. Each location has