The Cloud Security Alliance (CSA), the world’s leading
organisation dedicated to defining standards, certifications
and best practices to help ensure a secure cloud computing
environment, has announced that in response to rapid membership
growth throughout the region, it will be opening a new CSA Europe
headquarters and with it, creating a new General Data Protection
Regulation (GDPR) Center of Excellence for cloud computing in Berlin.
“We have seen strong growth in our enterprise members throughout
Europe, most notably in the financial services sector. We also are
collaborating closely with several national governments on
critical, national cloud-security standards,” said Jim Reavis,
CEO, Cloud Security Alliance.
Global cyber education leader, Cybint, a BARBRI
company, is expanding its presence and offerings in Italy
through its new Cyber Center in Rome. Created in partnership
with local organisation, Done and Done, the new Cyber Center will
provide cybersecurity and cyber intelligence education and training
solutions for businesses, higher education institutions and government
agencies throughout Italy. The centre will deliver cyber literacy
solutions, Cyber Security Analyst (CSA) hands-on labs, simulations and
specialised cyber training in advanced topics such as security, ethical
hacking, SCADA, forensics, malware analysis and more. “Italy is facing
a severe shortage of cybersecurity and intelligence expertise,” said
Cybint CEO, Roy Zur. “Through this collaboration with our local
partners, we’re pleased to positively impact that situation and
offer the solutions to build cyber knowledge and skills
throughout the country.”