INTELLIGENT BRANDS // Mobile Technology
EE consolidates dominance
in UK mobile performance,
according to report
deployed three-carrier aggregation in some
UK cities and if it increases its rollout, it could
lead to faster speeds in future testing.”
5G – a necessary differentiator
While EE consolidated its dominance by
scooping all six award categories, the results
show narrow differences on some of the key
metrics that consumers care most about.
Based on RootMetrics’ scoring mechanism
for overall performance, EE scored 96.0
out of 100 and Three, in second place,
registered 93.0 out of 100. Vodafone
scored a 90.1 and O 2 came in at 86.6. In
areas like network reliability margins are
even closer, with EE boasting a 97.6 mark
and Three scoring 96.5.
With mobile performance ever improving
and all ope