that the platform was not only simple but
cost-effective. Scale Computing’s HC3
platform was a natural choice, it met all
of the company’s requirements and the
technology is uniquely designed with its own
hypervisor and simple interface, providing
the easy management V-TAB needs.”
Mård continued: “With HC3, customers only
need the basic survival-kit, which provides
capabilities for managing the virtualisation,
securing your VMs using high-availability,
disaster recovery and highly efficient data
optimisation functions – everything you
need is included. Adding Scale Computing’s
HC3 is like running a weight-watcher
programme on your IT infrastructure –
there’s less weight, meaning it’s easier to
move your payload.”
Reaping the benefits –
simplified management
Scale Computing’s HC3 combines servers,
virtualisation and management into
one product, automating the overall
management and allowing V-TAB’s IT team
to focus on the core business objectives.
Previously, the IT team would have to
spend time managing the IT environment,
but now staff can focus on driving business
value and running applications, rather than
managing the underlying infrastructure.
Bogårdh noted: “Using Scale Computing’s
HC3 solution is simple and it gives us full
control. Now we can handle all of our data
from both of our sites in Sweden, with one
simple-to-use interface.”
Reduced costs
The deployment
V-TAB opted to deploy Scale Computing’s
HC3 cluster as a centralised server platform
across two of its sites in Sweden. With
the help of Data Resilience, the company
had the solution up and running within a
day. Scale Computing’s technology now
underpins all of V-TAB’s IT operations,
With no additional software to licence,
training or certifications needed to
implement and run the Scale Computing
solution, V-TAB has enjoyed a range of cost
savings. The company has also been able to
save 25% of its administration costs due to
the simplified management.
offering data mirroring, high-availability
and disaster recovery – all features that the
company required.
“Data Resilience was extremely helpful
throughout the process,” commented
Bogårdh. “Scale Computing’s technology
was simple and easy to set up and as
soon as we were up and running,
the team was able to begin deploying
VMs immediately.”
in constant use and being able to guarantee
business continuity is of paramount
importance to the organisation’s success
and reputation.
Scale Computing’s HC3 platform also
offers retention, recovery and failover at no
additional cost.
Improving high-availability with
on-premises IT
V-TAB is also benefiting from high-
availability since deploying Scale Computing.
As Bogårdh explained, this was one of the
key requirements of any new IT environment
and a major decision as to why the
organisations opted for Scale Computing’s
on-premises solution over a cloud-based
platform. Bogårdh noted: “At first, we did
consider a cloud-based solution. When
looking to eliminate data management,
the cloud and outsourcing IT seems like a
natural step.
“However, it’s also critical to consider other
business requirements. For us, the cloud
wasn’t an option due to latency. As a
production site, high-availability is key and
the cloud couldn’t promise to deliver on this.
With the cloud, there is also the added risk of
latency due to connection issues.
“Scale Computing’s HC3 platform provides
the same benefits as the cloud, but with the
added security of an on-premises solution.
“It really is as simple as putting your data in
the cloud, but with added control.”
The future is HC3
Bogårdh commented: “Scale Computing
is a perfect fit for our IT needs. No matter
what the problem is, the support team are
on hand to help.”
Enhancing business continuity
In addition, opting to deploy Scale
Computing across two sites has allowed
V-TAB to mirror all of its data, providing
the company with an added benefit of
data replication and protection. HC3 gives
the IT team regular access to snapshots
and cloning technologies to offer a full set
of backup and recovery capabilities. As a
production site, V-TAB offers services that are
As such, V-TAB is now in the process of
deploying additional clusters at its production
(ROBO) sites following its 12-month
deployment with Scale Computing.
Bogårdh concluded: “To me, this is a
great testament to Scale Computing and
its product. We are looking forward to a
continued partnership and seeing further
benefits from a quality product.” n