comes down to security talent. Israel’s
mandatory military service, combined with
the Ministry of Defence’s large investment
in cybersecurity capabilities are generating
a constant stream of talented, trained and
experienced personnel coming out of the
military and straight into the inviting high
salaries and perks of the hi-tech industry.
In addition, many of the top universities
in the country offer students cybersecurity
programmes, allowing them to hone their
skills in a classroom environment before
embarking on a career at one of Israel’s
many security companies.
Many students will have a job secured or be
carrying out work experience even before
they have graduated. The government
and private sector are always searching for
security talent and universities are the first
place they look.
One other area that works in Israel’s favour
is the close-knit community within the
cybersecurity industry. Most organisations
are located in a few key areas, which
essentially means that bumping into a
cybersecurity investor is a lot more likely than
it would be in other cybersecurity hubs, like
California for example.
With all of these factors combined, Israel
has become the perfect breeding ground for
cybersecurity talent, start-ups and tech.” n
Eldad Chai, Senior Vice President of Product
Management at Imperva